When I was designing the recent Zedi collection I had a lot of ideas but wasn’t too sure how to express them. I took my time and woke up one day to see all the pieces fit together perfectly. It was like I was trying to do serious work in the darkness and then a light appeared and showed me the way. The word Bolum means light in my native language Buli.
I felt like for a while now I had been missing my mark but with this collection, my spark came back! The collection had to be shown to the world in style so we decided to have a virtual fashion show. I have never done this before nor seen anyone do a similar thing but it sounded awesome. On Friday, 10th December at about 6:20 pm, we aired our virtual fashion show which is approximately 3 minutes long. The show is scheduled to run all weekend on the website but with the number of views it’s getting we will keep it on longer. You can watch the show using the link below. The cool thing about virtual shows is that everyone gets front-row seats!
The collection is made up of 11 pieces with 6 for men and 5 for women. All the pieces have a bold and bright spark to them. With the clothes, there was a combination of fun and classy colour blends with traditional African wear cuts as well as some western silhouettes.

One exciting thing about this collection is a particular fabric we designed ourselves! Chiffon tie and dye fabric are not very common in Ghana but we wanted to definitely make a pretty little dress with it. The fabric turned out very beautiful and so is the dress.

My brand always tries to do new and improved things every time we get the chance and even though sometimes we fail this time we didn’t and I am so proud. Please check out our collection in our store.